26 November, 2007

Words & phrases I dislike

Most of these are irrational. I know. There's no need to point that out to me.

I'll update this occasionally.

- I don't know what it means. But it sure sounds stupid. Of course, I know joists play vital roles in building houses and other similar structures. It's too bad they have a stupid name.

batten down the hatches - That just sounds dumb. Why don't we ever "batten" anything else? Are hatches the only things that are battenable? Can we cotton batten down the hatches? Why can't we batten up the hatches? Can't we just lock the hatches? Or secure them?

drove - I know this means "large crowd of livestock or people". Still, people are always "coming out" in them. I think a gay band, such as Hidden Cameras, should have a song or album called "Coming out in Droves". Why isn't there "drove management"? Why don't people ever gather in large droves? Do droves roar?

tankini - Come on now. That's just ridiculous. Of course, so is the fashion industry. Enough said. Except that it's usually really stupid to combine words in that way.

TMI (too much information) - It's not the phrase I hate; it's the sentiment it expresses. It shows that the speaker has no sense of social flow, no sense of the dynamics of a conversation. An awkward pause usually follows this phrase.

It also shows that the speaker has no sensitivity to his or her fellow humans. It says "I don't care about how you feel or what you've been through. My social awkwardness is more important and more legitimate than your experiences." If you have any tact, decency, respect, or self-respect at all, you don't use this phrase.

slat - This just sounds awful. Isn't there better alternative? "Board"?

1 comment:

Catherine said...

hehe!! oh Babe, what fun you are! :)